BOUYGUES TP has supported the action of INPULSE PIPE since the beginning of its activity. Its presence in tunneling all over the world is the origin of the idea of CPM technology.

The use of penstocks in tunnel boring machines for the transport of Bentonite, but also its support for all civil engineering works on our penstock equipment sites for the water supply of hydroelectric power stations makes it a major partner of action of INPULSE PIPE.

Our Partners

BOUYGUES TP has supported the action of INPULSE PIPE since the beginning of its activity. Its presence in tunneling all over the world is the origin of the idea of CPM technology.

The use of penstocks in tunnel boring machines for the transport of Bentonite, but also its support for all civil engineering works on our penstock equipment sites for the water supply of hydroelectric power stations makes it a major partner of action of INPULSE PIPE.


EDF, au travers de son Centre d'Ingénierie Hydraulique (CIH), suit également avec attention nos travaux depuis la création d'INPULSE PIPE. Son expertise dans le domaine de l'hydroélectricité n'est plus à démontrer. Passer entre les mains expertes du CIH c'est aussi et surtout porter l'exigence de l'état de l'art des conduites forcées à son maximum de rigueur et de sécurité.

Notre interlocuteur chez EDF : Jean Christophe RIGAUT Directeur de l'innovation au CIH de Bourget du Lac.